My Backyard Wedding – Finding Inspiration

Sometimes planning all the details for your wedding can be a little overwhelming but there are a few things you can do that will make your life easier!


How to decide on your colors, flowers, bouquets, tuxedos, bridesmaid dresses, and all the other details can be a little overwhelming if design isn’t your forte’. But, there are a few ways to make it easier on yourself.

Shades of purple mixed with silver and mint set the tone for my ceremony.
Shades of purple mixed with silver and mint set the tone for my ceremony.
  • Start with when and where you are getting married. This will inform a good deal of the decisions you make. For me, I got married in December in Arizona. I also knew that I was having my wedding a
    t a private estate so there would be plenty of green grass, a beautiful backdrop and a lot of flexibility in how I could decorate, what furniture I could use, the type of ambience I wanted to create. Putting this information together led me to a few conclusions:

    • I wanted colors a little deeper, due to the season, but not too dark since it was a daytime ceremony outside.
    • When searching for “winter colors” on Pinterest, I automatically discarded reds because I didn’t want anything Christmas related, I also didn’t want navy blue because I feel like it works better in the evening.

When I found the combination of purple, mint and grey I knew I had everything I needed: they go well with the green grass, feel like winter, look great both day and night and give a romantic touch to the atmosphere.

  •  Now that you’ve decided the month of the year and the location, get online! Instagram and Pinterest will be your new best friends…

INSTAGRAM: Go to Instagram anpreview-2016_instagram_logod type “wedding” in the search bar to find tons of profiles dedicated to helping future brides with inspirational pictures. You can also do more specific
searches by using hashtags. #weddinginspiration #bridetobe and #weddingideas. These will help you find great content – don’t be afraid to hit that “follow” button!

PINs956ndzgfhw1gu8TEREST: Pinterest is amazing. If you don’t have an account there, do it right now! Filled with amazing pictures of all kinds, you can search and pin your favorite images, saving them in different boards you create yourself to stay organized! I had so many when I was planning, “Wedding dresses”, “Wedding hairstyles”, “Wedding colors”, “Wedding Bouquets”, “Wedding Venues”  the list goes on and I got at least one key idea from each of those boards.


  • Make a REAL (in-person) inspiration board. Yes, the online stuff helps but there comes a point when you have probably pinned the exact same bouquet three different times. Print some things out, stick them to a giant canvas, circle what you really do love and start to plan for there.

    Creating a real pin board will help you having a better vision of the direction you want to take.
  • Employ your family 😊 No, seriously. I won’t lie, I had help (lots of help). I am lucky enough to have an amazingly talented mother-in-law, who works as an interior designer and has the perfect eye for decoration. If you’re lacking talent in the family department, I’m sure you have a friend who has been through this before or was always the girl with the best outfit and accessories – find him/her and ask for their help! Don’t try to do it all by yourself – it may turn out to be more of a burden and if isn’t fun then, what’s the point?
I couldn't have done it without my family's help.
I couldn’t have done it without my family’s help.

Of course, there is always the option of a full-service wedding planner. Wedding planners *know what they are doing*. They can handle all the details for you: help with ideas for flower arrangements, colors, food menu, decorations, table assignments, etc.  Most planners have different levels of service, so do some research to figure out what may work best for you and your budget. At Venues & Vows, we have worked with wedding planners that we really admire and respect – please reach out if you need help identifying one!

There are a lot of ways to be inspired – take advantage of social media and apps, watch movies, buy magazines, ask friends/family. All of these will help put your ideas into action whether your wedding is DIY or with a wedding planner. Make it your own to give it the personal touch you are looking for!





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