Bride Wars – Get the Wedding Venue You Really Want


The wedding venue. If you haven’t thought about it, you’re in for a treat. If you have, we’re sorry.


Or maybe we should say “we were sorry”. Why past tense? Because it’s the whole reason we started this company. We are pioneering affordable wedding venues that provide the ultimate in flexibility and style. In other words, not the traditional hotel.


Somewhere along the way weddings became synonymous with hotels. We get how it happened… Guests come in from out of town and need a place to stay. The companies that have places to stay also have the room to build ballrooms (read: conference rooms).


POOF, there it is.


Weddings + Hotels = Charge a couple whatever astronomical amount you want.


If you’ve been to your share of these hotel weddings, then you’ve noticed a few reoccurring items:

  • The chicken was passable, at best.
  • The carpet was not.
  • The band played your parents playlist.


The national average cost of a wedding is $32,000 and the venue cost is approximately half of that amount. That means over $15,000 for rubber chicken and bad hotel carpet that you hope your guests won’t notice.


We thought there was a better way. Find unique, breathtaking properties that make for an ultimate wedding venue and price them at a fraction of the cost of a traditional venue. This lets you use your budget the way YOU want to:

  • Want a selfie booth?
  • Want 2 custom food trucks offering your favorite cuisines?
  • Want 3 different dessert bars?
  • Craft cocktails?
  • Vodka ice luge?
  • Want a DJ and a band? Want 2 DJs?


The majority of our wedding venues have an event fee of $1,000 – $2,000, so you can add all the extras you want and keep the extra $20,000 in the bank. Or go to Tahiti for a month. It’s your money, your choice. Don’t give it to the hotel venue to spend.


Here are just a few of our favorites:

  1. East Austin Estate
  2. Downtown Deluxe
  3. Paradise in the Pedernales

Email Katie: [email protected] if you need some help finding a venue for your wedding.


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